Monday, 18 June 2012


Your kids won't always do what you tell them to do... but they'll always do what they see you do: What example are you setting?

Parenting - this is a big word and also a huge responsibility, we should not take it lightly when we plan to have children and we must prepare for it before taking the first step. Parenting is not only about providing the right physical needs for the child, but it is also about providing the right environment for the child to grow from in different aspects (spiritual, emotional, mental, educationally etc) . Parenting helps the child to become physically and mentally healthy, in order to prepare for his or her later years. Many parents start parenting with a busy and stressful attitude. They get caught up in the amount of work that adds to their daily life such as nursing, clothing, feeding and educating the child. Some parents involve their children in many activities and neglect the most important part of raising a child, which is having a relationship with his child as well as building the child to have a relationship with God which is very important.

When it comes to teaching children religion, many parents do not realize the importance of starting at an early age. They assume that the young child does not yet have the ability to comprehend. Some parents will depend solely on Sunday school and going to church . To a large extent, children in their early years learn by imitation/observation, Often little boys copy their fathers, and little girls model their mothers. But many parents see their sons trying on Mom's lipstick or their daughters "shaving" with Daddy. "At age 1, toddlers do what they see," they really are not conscious of what they are doing or if i may say they find it really complex to differentiate between genders, gender identity usually doesn’t emerge until about age 3.

We cannot use the excuse that life is so frenzied that it prevents us from knowing our children, having a positive relationship with them, or teaching them how to pray and be closer to God. We need to realize that everything should begin with God and our main responsibility as parents is to practice the presence of God, and then all our life will become a prayer that is pleasing to God. Proverbs 22:6 clearly explains what the bible says about training a child in the way of the lord, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”. Other verses quote thus;

”Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord”.  Ephesians 6:4

“Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live”. Deuteronomy 4:9

“Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up”.  Deuteronomy 11:19.
Parenting comes with a lot of responsibilities/sacrifices, having a child in the family is a life changing experience, it is never to late to learn or seek Godly counsel when it comes to raising a kid, it is the most rewarding and fulfilling decision you could ever take. I am learning a few things too myself, and i pray to God everyday that when the time comes, i will be blessed with all that it takes to be a good parent, i hope this would be helpful to someone out there :-) . Ladies!!!! hmmmmm you know what to do, dont say i did not give you a hint, make sure you give this article or send the link to your husbands to read okay!!. I don try jooooooooooooooooor lol!

1 comment:

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